Tierod Pipe
Tierod pipe helps tie-rods to be removed from concrete in a simple way and to protect the gaps between them.
What is Tierod Pipe?
Tierod Pipe ensures that the tapes in curtain and column formworks do not come into contact with concrete. Tierod pipe helps tie-rods to be removed from concrete in a simple way and to protect the gaps between them.
What is Tierod Pipe’s Purpose of Use?
Tierod pipe is used to keep the tie-rod shaft in steel and wooden molds and curtain concrete casting. It prevents the studs used in curtain and column formworks from contacting with concrete. It ensures that tie-rods are easily removed from the concrete, and the distances between them are maintained.
Standard Length of Tierod Pipes
It is manufactured in desired diameter and length. The standard length of the tierod pipe is 3.00 Mt.
What are The Advantages Using Tierod Pipe?
They are assembled with gaskets. They are easy to cut and connect. Tierod pipe is resistant to chemicals and does not conduct electricity. There is no corrosion. In addition to that, the tierod pipe is flexible against freezing.
Although they are not resistant to impacts from outside, they do not suffer much damage due to their flexibility. Tierod pipe is attached to each other as bellmouths. It is difficult to remove parts. In case of necessity, if the part is removed, a muff and gasketed sleeve is used on both sides. The main reason for the preference is the pipe types with the least risk of cracks and fractures. For this reason, a tierod pipe does not cause bacterial growth. Since the raw materials used are hard plastic, they are resistant to breaking and abrasion for many years.
Please visit Tierod Accessories category page for a variety of safe and comfortable products with a reasonable prices. For detail information Contact with us.